Zagorje ob Savi, 20. april 2024 – V organizaciji Inštituta dr. Antona Korošca in Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies se je v Stekleni dvorani Kulturnega centra Delavski
Books have survived quite a few tests in their long history and, despite everything, have stuck around to this day. Nowadays, however, they are threatened by a new
Can you imagine living in a 3D-printed house? No matter how it sounds, this technology can be a great opportunity for fast, safe, and cheap construction.
Prehranska varnost ni samoumevna, zato jo je nujno treba ohranjati in krepiti je bil zaključek včerajšnje razprave v organizaciji inštitutov Martens Centre in INAK.
Inštitut dr. Antona Korošca se bo udeležil 7. foruma Net@Work, največjega srečanja desnosredinskih političnih fundacij v organizaciji Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies.
Farmers all around the world are installing solar panels above their crops. In the end, the solar panels, the plants, and, most of all, the owners are satisfied.
Across Europe and elsewhere, technicians are actively researching the possibility of wireless charging electric vehicles directly while they drive on roads.