Demografske spremembe v Sloveniji in Evropi

Angleška verzije / English version

Ta publikacija je skupno delo Wilfried Martens Centra za evropske študije (WMSCES) in Inštituta dr. Antona Korošca (INAK). Publikacijo financira Evropski parlament.

Wilfried Martens Center za evropske študije, Inštitut dr. Antona Korošca in Evropski parlament ne prevzemajo nikakršne odgovornosti za dejstva ali mnenja, izražena v tej publikaciji, ali za kakršnokoli nadaljnjo uporabo informacij, objavljenih v publikaciji. Odgovornost za verodostojnost prispevkov sprejemajo avtorji.

Vse pravice pridržane. Nobenega dela te publikacije ni dovoljeno ponatisniti, reproducirati ali posredovati s kakršnimikoli sredstvi, elektronskimi, mehanskimi, s fotokopiranjem, zvokovnim snemanjem ali kako drugače, brez poprejšnjega pisnega dovoljenja lastnika avtorskih pravic, razen za osebno uporabo.

Izdal: Inštitut dr. Antona Korošca (INAK)

Direktor: Primož Jelševar

Kontakt: INAK, Prule 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Avtorji: Franc Bogovič, Boštjan Furlan, M.Sc. Monika Kirbiš Rojs, Anja Fortuna, Primož Jelševar, Sandra Pasarić, Marko Vidrih, Marjan Podobnik in prof. Dr Andrej Umek

Uredila: Suzana Lara Krause, Inštitut dr. Antona Korošca (INAK)

Recenzija: Sandra Pasarić, Wilfried Martens Centre za evropske študije (WMCES)

O partnerjih:

Wilfried Martens center za evropske študije (WMCES) je bil ustanovljen leta 2007 kot politična fundacija in uradni think tank Evropske ljudske stranke (EPP). Organizacija ima štiri glavne cilje: razvijanje desnosredinskega razmišljanja, prispevanje k oblikovanju evropskih in nacionalnih politik, priprava okvirjev nacionalnim političnim fundacijam in akademikom ter spodbujanje javne razprave o EU. Spodbuja vseevropsko miselnost, ki temelji na desnosredinskih, krščansko-demokratskih, konservativnih in enako mislečih političnih vrednotah.

Inštitut Antona Korošca (INAK) je bil ustanovljen leta 2015 kot think tank center. Glavni cilji inštituta so prispevati k nadaljnjemu razvoju demokracije in doseganju višje ravni kakovosti življenja v Sloveniji s spodbujanjem izmenjave idej in najboljših praks krščansko-demokratičnih vrednot in vrlin v Sloveniji, Evropi in svetu. Z različnimi dejavnostmi želi INAK prispevati k oblikovanju temeljev za nove politične ideje, razvoju metod za demokratično uveljavljanje političnih interesov in podpirati gospodarske, znanstveno-raziskovalne, kulturne in humanitarne dejavnosti.

About publication

This is a joint publication of the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies and the Dr. Anton Korošec Institute (INAK). This publication receives funding from the European Parliament. 
The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, the Dr. Anton Korošec Institute (INAK) and the European Parliament assume no responsibility for facts or opinions expressed in this publication or any subsequent use of the information contained therein. Sole responsibility lies on the author of the publication.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, not known to or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing of the copyright owner except for personal use.

Issued by Anton Korošec Institute (INAK)

Director: Primož Jelševar

Contact: INAK, Prule 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Authors: Franc Bogovič, Boštjan Furlan, M.Sc. Monika Kirbiš Rojs, Anja Fortuna, Primož Jelševar, Sandra Pasarić, Marko Vidrih, Marjan Podobnik in prof. Dr Andrej Umek

Editor: Suzana Lara Krause, Anton Korošec Institute (INAK)

Reviewed by: Sandra Pasarić, Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies (WMCES)

About partners:

The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies (WMCES) was established in 2007 as the political foundation and official think tank of the European People’s Party (EPP). The Martens Centre has four main goals: advancing centre-right thought, contributing to the formulation of EU and national policies, serving as a framework for national political foundations and academics and stimulating public debate about the EU. It promotes a pan-European mind-set based on centre-right, Christian-Democrat, conservative and like-minded political values.

The Anton Korošec Institute (INAK) was established in 2015 as a think-tank and foundation for political engagement. The main goals of the institute are to contribute to the further development of democracy and the achievement of a higher level of quality of life in Slovenia by encouraging the exchange of ideas and best practices from Christian democratic values and virtues in Slovenia, Europe, and the world. Through different activities, INAK wants to contribute to the formation of the basis for new political action, the development of methods for the democratic assertion of political interests, and to support economic, scientific research, cultural and humanitarian activities.